Puppy Description
Preston is such a sweetheart! He loves everyone and everything. He has been raised around children as young as 3yrs old. He is great with other dogs, cats, rabbits and even chickens.
Preston is red with white markings. If you meet him will fall in love with him.
Ready to go to their forever homes
F1 Cavapoo's
Their mom is a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel & dad is a Mini Poodle.
They will be anywhere from 10-15lbs
Puppies come with a 1yr health guarantee, spay/neuter contract, current vaccinations, current de-worming, veterinarian examination, microchipped, CKC application, food sample, toy, treat, and etc. We will be happy to answer any questions by text, call or email. 704-880-1719
-Pick-up is in Statesville NC. If are unable to pick up in Statesville we will be happy to arrange for ground/flight nanny service.
-We will also meet at the Charlotte NC airport free of charge if wish to fly in.
-We will be happy to get a quote for ground delivery or flight nanny service to the nearest airport. We will NOT ship our puppies cargo.
*Flight nanny service fee will vary based on the chosen airport. Estimated fee $450-650.00 within the US.
-Many ask, How does Flight Nanny service work? We would meet the flight nanny at the Charlotte,NC airport for pick-up & the flight nanny would deliver the puppy to the chosen airport. The puppy will never be left unattended and will be in care of the flight nanny at all times. The puppy will be in a soft sided pet carrier in cabin with the flight nanny, NOT under the plane. Flight nanny service is available for puppies 20lbs & under.
*Ground delivery is available for puppies of any size. We have ground shippers that we do recommend and will be happy to get a quote. Please send us your zip code to get a quote.
-We also highly recommend Citizen Shipper that can make a post and choose your own shipper and agree to the quote.
Join our Facebook Group NC Doodle Puppies where can see updates from past puppy families and where families can choose to stay in touch with each other.
We work 9-5pm. Please call after 5pm. Please text 704-880-1719 anytime for a quick response. We will be happy to answer any questions.
Phone: 704-880-1719
Puppy Information
Date of Birth:
April 25, 2024